Detect, Defend and Differentiate using Device Fingerprint

Distinguish between genuine users and potential threats with high accuracy by identifying unique devices in real-time

We Understand Your Challenges

Accuracy and Reliability

Device characteristics can change over time, leading to recognizing the same device as a different one

Privacy Concerns

Collecting sufficient data while respecting user privacy, especially with stringent data protection regulations

Evolving Device Landscape

New devices and OS are regularly released, and being up-to-date and adaptable is vital

Cross-Device Tracking

Associating multiple device profiles with a single user with an accurate cross-device tracking capability

User-Agent Spoofing

Manipulate the user-agent information sent by browsers or apps to mimic legitimate devices
Security and Technology-First Approach

Precision in Authentication

Distinguishing every device, even in challenging scenarios like factory resets, tampered device locations, detection of group control tools, script-based manipulations, app reinstalls, and beyond. A good device fingerprinting technology excels in precise device identification, consistently linking each device to its rich historical data.

Real-Time Fraud Detection

Detect anomalies and suspicious activities as they happen so that you can take action in real time. This means that no matter how many different devices or platforms your customers use, Device Fingerprint will be able to track them across multiple devices without missing a beat.

Largest fraud detection database

Accumulated over 7 billion devices globally with historical data, user behavior and biometric information. Processing over 200 million daily active users. Protects businesses and customers throughout the lifecycle including onboarding, browsing, transacting and more.
Your Device Fingerprint

Count on us as your technology ally, guiding you with intelligent choices through our AI-powered risk decision platform

Device ID
Screen Resolution
Cookie Status
It’s More Than Just Fraud Prevention

Reduced Operational Cost

Streamline your operations by automating security processes, allowing you to customise rules to meet your preferred risk levels. This minimises the necessity for manual reviews and optimises resource allocation, ultimately leading to substantial cost savings.

Personalised User Experience

Offer a seamless and personalised journey to your customers based on their device profiles. Recognize returning users across devices, allowing them to pick up where they left off, enhancing trust and loyalty.
A Peace of Mind, Really

Compliance Assurance

Maintain comprehensive and accessible privacy policies that outline data collection, storage, retention, and sharing practices related to device fingerprinting. We keep ourselves up to date with evolving privacy regulations including GDPR and CCPA to guarantee the safety and integrity of your data.

Integrate with Ease

Integrate our device fingerprint to your existing infrastructure through API, SDK, JS or e-commerce store plugins. Access to our user-friendly portal that gives you comprehensive yet digestible device insights.

Let’s chat!

Let us get to know your business needs, and answer any questions you may have about us. Then, we’ll help you find a solution that suits you